ALL 10:00 – 11:00 CET (11:00-12:00 EET, Finnish Time)
Click names to download pdf of presentation – see full videos here
Monday, November 2
10:00 | Welcome and intros – Lars Münter, Danish Committee for Health Education |
10:05 | Rikke Ager, Rising People on personal health leadership |
10:20 | Nicolaj Holm Faber, Danish Committee for Health Education on future community health |
10:35 | Morten Nielsen, International Federation for Housing and Planning on urban planning; healthy by design |
10:50 | Joint discussion |
Exclusive content 12-13 CET: Experts Feedback Interview with Cormac Russel, Nurture Development
Tuesday, November 3 (no ppts used)
10:00 | Welcome and intro Marianne Larsson, HealthTech Nordic |
10:05 |
Dialogue 1 Help to Patients – cases Coala Life, Careligo/Optilogg and Cross Technology Solutions/LifePod, and Cuviva |
10:20 | Dialogue 2 Self-care & Empowerment – cases Miiskin, JodaCare and Medanets, A short video on Sidekick Health |
10:35 | Dialogue 3 Lifestyle – cases Joint Academy and Brain+ |
10:50 | Outro |
Exclusive content 12-13 CET: Experts Feedback Interview with Christopher Evatt, representing WEAll
Wednesday, November 4
10:00 | Bobbie Nicole Ray-Sannerud, Psy.D (Dr.Psychol) Programme Director, Precision Medicine Group Technology & Research (GTR), DNV GL |
10:05 | Jan F Nygård PhD., Head of the Registry Informatics Department, Cancer Registry of Norway: SmartMed – Secure and accountable sharing of medical records using smart contracts and blockchain |
10:20 | Sharmini Alagaratnam, PhD, Project Manager, Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics and Oda Bakken, PerMedLaw Pan-Nordic clinical consent framework for genetic testing |
10:35 | Vibeke Binz Vallevik, Project Manager, BIGMED The road to precision medicine – experiences from a national ICT lighthouse project |
10:50 | Joint discussion |
Exclusive content for registrees: 12-13 CET: Experts Feedback Interview with Bjelle Roberts, Chairman European Health Parliament 5
Thursday, November 5
10:00 | IT’S GOING TO GET A LOT MORE PERSONAL: Tiina Härkönen, Leading Specialist What we can learn from the past – An overview of personal behaviour in digital world |
10:15 | TOWARDS TRUSTWORTHY HEALTH DATA ECOSYSTEMS: Ilkka Räsänen, Senior Lead How the reuse of data can create new services for the benefit of all |
10:30 | P6 – Genomics to Healthcare – Dr. Markus Perola, The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare |
10:45 | Flexible and scalable data cloud-based services to support healthcare – Case HUS Miika Leminen, Development Manager, Head of AI Unit, Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) |
Exclusive content 12-13 CET: Experts Feedback Interview with Clayton Hamilton Digital Lead WHO/Europe
Friday, November 6
10:00 | Welcome and intros – Lars Münter, Danish Committee for Health Education and Bogi Eliasen, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies |
10:05 | Andelsmovement – A model for the future? Professor Carsten Obel, Aarhus University |
10:20 | Nordic Interoperability Anders Tunold-Hanssen |
10:35 | Fair Data Economy Project Director Jaana Sinipuro Sitra |
10:50 | Discussion/Questions across the three speakers – visions for future Nordic collaboration and new models with global impact |
Exclusive content 12-13 CET: Experts Feedback Interview with Dorli Kahr-Gottlieb, Secretary General, European Health Forum Gastein