How can healthcare systems keep up with the changing face of healthcare to create the health system of the future? At the ICT & health interviewed Bogi Eliasen at the European Health Forum Gastein, Bogi Eliasen. Key takeaway: To make healthcare sustainable we have to get out of the silos.
Nordic Interoperability
The Nordic Interoperability Project wants to enable patients to live and act in an open, seamless, cross-border healthcare ecosystem, by showcasing world class solutions and innovations from the Nordics.
Data in health – Denmark
Danish health data is of exceptional quality and represents a great research and innovation potential. In connection with several projects, however, the Innovation Fund has identified major challenges in accessing and using health data and thus in realizing these potentials. Examples include the fact that it has taken several years to obtain the necessary permissions to obtain and link different data sources.
The Future of the Danish Healthcare System
The Future of the Danish Healthcare System (2030) – Scenario B – “Healthy Growth – Pride of the Nation” – national investments in making Denmark a technological frontier nation in healthcare, with the public sector as the hub.
Digital Health Revolution – Finland
Fundamental revolution is needed to truly enhance the proactive, personalized health maintenance for the benefit of individuals, society and business. The vision of Digital Health Revolution-initiative is that future health care will allow citizens to control and make use of his or her personal data.
The Future of the Danish Healthcare System (2030)
The Future of the Danish Healthcare System (2030)- The Danish healthcare system is facing several major challenges, including rising healthcare expenses; global, transnational technology advances; and growing polarisation in access to healthcare services.
To address the challenges proactively, CIFS initiated a multi-client study in collaboration with 29 representatives from central public institutions, private actors, and professional bodies and interest groups in healthcare.